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English Tutorials

Hi folks,

here some of my most successful pdf tutorials.
Thanks for the translation into English language!

Registration workshop

This workshop has already helped many Yamaha
keyboard players to get a clear and self-explaining
file-and folder structure on their keyboard's harddisk.

Today there is also a newer version of this workshop
which includes my newest experiences and much more.
If there is one who likes to translate:
I am sure this would help many players! :-)

Old English version

New German version

Organization tips

With this pdf you will get some ideas how to use
folders and subfolders on your keyboard's harddisk.

Arranging music at the keyboard

Here some tips that will help you to create
better-sounding registrations on your keyboard.

Base registration and basic settings

Helps to eliminate stressful keyboard situations.
But first you have to create such a reg bank!

Storage locations - The keyboard doors

How do you install new files at your keyboard?
This workshop will give you an overview.


Nie mit Single Finger Spielweise anfangen, Keyboard zu lernen.

Umlernen macht später viel mehr Mühe!